Wednesday, January 02, 2013

"Procedure" day

Mom had her procedure today. Won't go into the gory details. Fingers-crossed that some of my "good" flora will build up in her intestines. ;) 

While I was waiting I headed down Madison to visit some shops I have not seen in awhile. 

City People's a must, especially since they were having 75% off holiday stock. 

Bass Framing Studio, where I discovered 3 artist. 

Julia Ricketts unusual landscapes from high.  

Wire sculptures by Louise Warner

Luminous landscapes by Pat Clayton


  1. tell your mom that we're all thinking about her and sending good vibes her way!

  2. tell your mom we're all thinking about her and sending good vibes her way!

  3. Kim ~ You might be interested in a long, front page article in the Cleveland Plain Dealer today on your mother's situation. I had never heard of this before but what a coincidence that I read your post right after reading the article. It sounds like the percentage of good results is quite high. Best wishes to your Mom for a good outcome.

  4. Yes! I've heard amazing things about those kinds of procedures. Fingers crossed that the results are very good.

  5. Hope everything went well. Best wishes.

  6. Thank you all so much for the well wishes. The procedure went well but I am not sure it had the long-term turn around we were hoping for. We are going to plan another one soon.

    Meanwhile, my Mom also says thank you so very much!


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