Thursday, September 13, 2012


I am reclaiming my home from the mess, filth, disorganization that has taken over. That is where I am been hiding out the last couple of days. That and taking mom for doctor appointments. Pebbles like to assist mom in her crosswords.

We are down 2 cars, so I am driving D back and forth to work ... today, during my drive home ... I said my mantra ... I am grateful to have this working car! I am grateful for this gorgeous day! I am thankful I am have been invited to another Art Walk in Edmonds September 20th! I am grateful for my sister and the long talks we have been having lately, after the death her mom, my step-mom. I am especially grateful for my husband and his never-ending support and patience.

I ask myself while watching all the dogs roll in something incredibly nasty in the grass ... why did I bother bathing them this week? ;) 

I have made the big decision to bag the garage sale we were planning ... have crap all over the driveway ... to the point that people stop and ask if we are having a garage sale. The thought of organizing that feels overwhelming right now ... and to the Goodwill it all goes. (Grateful to have made that decision after sitting on and maneuvering around all of this "stuff". So off I go now, to continue to reclaim my house, and clean! Have a glorious day.


  1. I love that you have a gratitude mantra...being thankful is rather focusing for me. As far as that garage sale, I say "Hooray for Goodwill!" chalk up the donation as good karma and call it.

  2. Yeah, for Goodwill is right!!! ;) I am on my third trip.
    Still being thankful for my truck, and today when the kitchen sinks all backed up ... I said a "I am thankful my toilets are flushing. xoxox


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