Sunday, September 30, 2012

Barking Chihuahuas

Today we have a visiting chihuahua, Max. He is about 2 lbs of energy and playfulness. Sophie has met her match. The others are just thinking "what the hell?"  Mom is feeling a little better today. She and David have been glued to football all day.

Rick is so happy! Thesis 2.0 for Wordpress has been released and he has been working night and day learning the ends and outs, so he can pass that knowledge over to us. I mocked up this Barking Chihuahua Cafe site today for him to use as a test to put together in his lesson. Can you guess where my inspiration came from? He is teaching a new class starting tomorrow! I can't wait to shove more knowledge into this little-bitty brain of mine.

1 comment:

  1. je rentre de vacances et à l'instant , je découvre ce joli chihuahua...
    il faut que je me décide d'en chercher un deuxième...:)))


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