Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Mental notes

The sun is moving in and out from behind the clouds today. It was cold this morning, now warming up. The neighbors are enjoying their swimming pool with all of their grand kids ... lots of laughing and squealing. 

Making a mental list of things I need to do while we still have some good weather. 

Trying to get caught up with my work from being gone. 

Been finishing up some work for Robin's book. Ran across these photos from the first road trip. I can't imagine what was going through Pebble's little head. I couldn't hold her or let her out of the carrier much since I was driving ... Poor little thing. She has really blossomed and feeling a part of the family now. 


  1. I need to get a camera like yours! I love what you do with flowers. The way you paint the sky with words takes me back to the Northwest. I miss it like the winter snow misses... Tucson. lol

  2. She'll be "baby"! That's the best.


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