Friday, August 24, 2012

Making our way home

This has been an interesting trip this week. Mainly because I am sleeping in a Rialta Van at night. In different places, on weird streets. Places unknown. Parking was definitely a problem in Beverly Hills because we did not have a "parking pass".

When explaining why I don't mind staying in the van in dark alleys, in places unknown ... I had to think for a minute. 

1. I committed myself to stay in the van with the photography equipment. 

2. I was a working mom for 20 years. Mom first, lots of hard work there. Between the two, the last 20 years have been pretty tame for me. Work, baseball games, soccer practice, jazz band, school auctions. This takes me out of my safe zone and puts me into the adventure mentality. Which has been a long time for me. I don't relish sleeping in a van in an unknown alley. But I want to see if I still have the courage in me to do it. Have lots of funny stories to share about "dry-camping", rats, emptying black/gray water, Beverly Hills police calling me out of the van at 6am. (STEP OUT OF THE VAN.)

We are close to home now. Tonight, I am parked outside a hotel. I have plugged in to their outdoor outlet, which means I have ELECTRICITY. I have wi-fi from the hotel. I can check my email and even watch Netflix if I want. Drinking my HOT wine, under the stars. 

Still picking up odd weeds and such. Have not had much time to take pictures as I am the "driver". I really love the Shasta Mountain area. Soooooo very beautiful. Good night, from Roseburg, Oregon. From the parking lot ... with free wi-fi from the hotel. PS ... have been using my phone "hot spot" all week and have to say, I LOVE it while on the road.

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