Saturday, July 07, 2012

The last leg? Or on my last leg?

"Every person on this planet has a story to tell, something that makes them unique adding to the whole." From Daily Om. 

This has been true throughout the last 4 weeks. 

We checked in early last night because we were exhausted from getting up at 6a and driving for 6 hours. Almost to the destination Pebbles started having "a little tummy trouble". (For a couple of hours). I think her being in a crate most of the day, not really eating or doing her business. She is a chihuahua, they are nervous little creatures. Thankfully, I know this about them. Am going to look for some rice to feed her this morning.

Between trying to make sure she was okay, washing out carriers, finding a laundry mat, etc ... in the heat. Well, you get the picture. She and I fell asleep arm in arm, before 9pm. The last two nights I have not had internet connection. Spent most of the nights trying to get on ... calling 800 help desk that never answer. Only this morning, while I am packing up, was I able to connect. My batteries have gone out on my mouse. The new rechargeable batteries are not working ;( 

I think I am down to a couple of pair of undies, all T-shirts dirty, maybe one pair of very wrinkle pants, had my prescriptions re-filled here ... we are on our last leg of the journey. Trying to figure out which route to head home one.


  1. Anonymous7:26 AM

    It will feel good to sleep in your own bed again


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