Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Time running together

I feared this would happen. Days/memories/events/visuals ... are running together ... in one big blur. Hotels all becoming one ongoing experience of unloading and loading car,  without recalling what the hotel name was ... just how delicious the fluffy pillows and AC turned up high.

R and I were sat down tonight and concentrate on the last 2 days events/memories/music we listened to ... etc. I think we are really tired tonight. We decided to knock up early (early being before 11pm), order pizza and get some rest. Our hotel is really nice tonight ;)

In Athens, OH tonight. We started off in Louisville, KY, made our way to West Virginia and up to OH. Tomorrow I think we are heading for Baltimore. 

We happened upon a very old cemetery and took a moment to look around and me grab some dirt. I literally have not had time to bend down and slap some into a snack baggie. ;0 

I remembered a very important thing today about hot weather ... stand in the cool of tree shade and park your car in the shade. Saw the MOST incredible barns today in Kentucky!  Everything is so lush, rolling hills, beautiful buildings, barn wood to die for.

We happened upon Booker T. Washington home today in Athens, OH

Meet a woman that paints those quilt squares on the side of barns. (I want that job).

I have tones of ideas of new paintings!

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