Friday, June 22, 2012

Gary, Indiana

I have seen many things on this trip that I had not expected to see. But I was not prepared for what I saw in Gary, Indiana today. We had a few stops here, one being Micheal Jackson's childhood home. 

Shocked at the complete deterioration of a once vibrant city (think Chernobyl). I met some wonderful residence today, coping with what is going on around them. Hoping for the best. And I am hoping for the best for them, too.

Emotionally, I don't know if I can write about it tonight. 

We are near Purdue University, located in West Lafayette, Indiana. Wind turbines, rows and rows of them! 

Tired and hot. I have some notes to write before I hit the sack. 


  1. I was just in Buffalo... same thing. Sigh.

  2. Been following your posts... what is this trip all about????

  3. it is really sad, no?

    LindaSonia ... traveling with a photog friend, helping her drive and stuff while she shoots some stuff around the US... i think we are out 10 more days

  4. Thanks for the info... sounds like fun.

    Isn't urban decay really everywhere?

  5. yes, the natural greying of a building is one thing ... but Gary, has its' own category.

  6. Sorry, LindaSonia, I had to go get coffee ... I guess it is not so much urban decay as seeing a town 3/4 shut down ... every other house either burned or fallen in. Every main building shut or falling in.

  7. For an in-depth look at the Gary, IN that was & is, see the comprehensive offerings at, put together by a former Gary resident.


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