Sunday, June 03, 2012

Coffee without email

It is strange to wake up without electricity. Scary at first, when I think, what about not having my coffee ... then remember I have the gas stove and french press. Strange thoughts at first about nation-wide power grid outage ... terrorist attack ... then say, oh calm down! Enjoy.

The silence starts to sink in. I realize I could have my coffee, outdoors, listening to the birds sing. Not drinking coffee over my keyboard, checking email.

I could hear the neighbors scoot their chair up to the table, the kids next door laughing over something their grandmother had just said. My cell phone charge went out just about the time I text my neighbor to ask if his electricity was out ... and he shot back that his wife was making him take a walk since he couldn't work at the computer. Power keeps us so connected, maybe too connected for our own good.

Thoughts of cleaning my bathroom with no distraction! Without guilt that I should be working on something computer related. No bad news from the television. 

Life was delightfully quiet and subdued for about 40 minutes. 

How connected we are and how to disconnect ourselves. That is what I am going to focus on. Someone that works from home was telling me ... you must take a "sabbath". A day off. It is a must. I agree. How to allow myself to do that is what I am working on.

The bees don't care that the electricity goes out ... they are busy at work regardless.

Cup of coffee sans email! (My favorite saucers from Goodwill so many years ago ... still trying to find the perfect mismatched cup to go with them ... I asked my ceramics friend to make me some cups with those beautiful colors and patterns on them!)

Taking a moment to see what is blooming out there. (I agree, Maggie, need to find new sunny places for the peonies!)

 Pixel having her morning stretch.

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