Saturday, May 05, 2012

I love Thee

I found myself on many floral blogs and sites this morning. A treat with my morning coffee. Reading the intro for one that said "I love flowers".  And I thought I love flowers, but I love them one at a time. I love Thee, Flower. Shooting one, exploring one, watching them naturally do their magic and trying to record how lovely they are in bloom and out. I want to make a living from exploring, photographing, illustrating FLOWERS. Wouldn't that be a hoot!


  1. What an absolutely perfect and sensational idea, Kim!!

    How can we make that happen for you?!

    There MUST be a way!! Your gift with florals is extraordinary. Your artist's eye is priceless. Your multi-faceted skills invaluable!

  2. thank you!!!! Shelley! I am conjuring up some ideas ;) Maybe we should brainstorm soon.


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