Friday, March 02, 2012

Charley Harper Redux

I am having so much fun illustrating birds in a very geometric version, aka, Charley Harper. Started these as a fun little project and now I am kind of obsessed. Sand piper and Hummingbird next. ;)


  1. These are beautiful! Wow. Are you submitting to the Puget Sound Bird Fest? I'm exploring ideas right now as well.

  2. Lovely! I especially like the feather detail on the heron.

  3. Thank you Blogger smazoochie, LindaCO !!!! I sort of got obsessed. I started them and couldn't stop ... I think it is because I haven't done anything in illustrator in so long. Hey Tina! I might. From their past poster I think they really prefer paintings vs computer generator illustraions, but it is like going to school for me ... it is a project for me to focus on and the need to finish it ;)

  4. LindaCO ... that is really a stretch for me because I hate doing gradients! My husband said, a gradient feather would look really good there ... so I practiced. I guess I do like the use of it here, but I am really not very good at them ;0

  5. I say go for it. I particularly like the heron too. I figure I have a slim chance, but I like to have goals to focus on and what the heck. Right?! You just never know and for me it is more of a point to have fun with it and challenge myself. And I wish I could do the type of illustration work you do. I'll probably stick to paint though ;)

  6. My mantra this year is Be Brave, Take Chances ;) that is what I hear in my head every time I say, well, ahhh, maybe ... yes, Fun is the key word. and I always learn *SOMETHING* in the process so it is never wasted time ;)

  7. I was going to try to write something clever, but I'll just say that I'm so impressed.

  8. Thank you Julia. I just redid the dotted lines in the new adobe 5 and wow, it is just terrific. I love the updated version of adobe ;)

  9. Kim ... you already know how much I love these. You need to explore doing posters as a business. xoxo

  10. I started a couple of more ... completely addicted to them ;) Yes, I am thinking posters!


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