Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Winter's Garden

I posted something new on Edmonds Patch about winter garden. I like being part of a local blogging community although I really am not good at writing. Art and photos are more my thing. 

I ran into a gardening friend (mom of one of Matt's friends) at the grocery store. We said our hellos and then she added, I read you in Edmonds Patch. I know I turned beet red with embarrassment ... and now can't even remember if she said she liked it. Part happy and part horrified.

The point is, I never thought (thought about) people I knew, that knew me, in my community would read my Edmonds Patch post. Isn't that funny? 

Sweating through another post last night, having David read and re-read to make sure I didn't sound completely ridiculous, I kept asking myself "why do I really want to do this anyway?".  My post are pretty lighthearted compared to others writing about "real" issues/business in our city. And I am "not" a writer. The answer I had for myself (and Mom since I was talking out loud and she was forced to listen to my justification) was ...

Even if I make an idiot of myself, it makes me explore platforms that scare me, like writing. It makes me stretch myself. It forces me expose myself instead of hiding in my head or photos. It makes me try to be brave ... which is something I am trying to do more of lately. Take chances. Be brave. That is my daily mantra now. It is easy to approach a subject, like nature, flowers, abstractions, that I really am passionate about. That makes it a little easier.

On the other side of life ... is it Thursday, REALLY! Where did this week go? I hardly left this computer except to take the dogs out and watch Castle. And I am still sooooo far behind on my work. Sigh...

ps ... The thing that took me the most time writing this was trying to find the appropriate term for the "seed structure" , seed coat?, seed capsules? ... there are no vintage botanical illustrations breaking down the Alyssum and Azalea bits and pieces ... maybe my next project? I have been thinking about doing some of these for a long time. Imagine: vector art, very geometric art of flowers, bits and parts ... descriptions and such ... and pulled together like a vintage botanical illustration! It is in my head, it must get out.

 A Winter's Garden

Another post from the “Jack of All Trades, Master of None” … gardener and photographer.

A longing always visits me this time every year. Vibrant colors and fluffy petals? An Iceland Poppy to photograph or a Peony to ooh & aah over? To place my nose in the middle of the honeysuckle on a hot summer day?

Hold on! Just a walk around the yard reminds me there is much more "happening" during the austere months of winter. Poke around decaying plants to discover the most interesting developments left behind from the summer. Remains of seedpods are just as fascinating as any blooming flower. I see repeating patterns, alien skeletons, fractals living in nature! It makes me want more.

My best winter find was the seed structure from Alyssum. I didn't even notice it until I was using my macro lens ... and there it was. So tiny and delicate that I was surprised they could even survive harsh winter conditions.

Stamen of an Azalea, swirling, floating out in to space from the dried seed-capsules … a whimsical work of art!

Fluffy, cotton-ball seed heads of the Japanese Anemone just waiting for a stiff wind to blow them away.

‘Autumn Joy’ Sedums sturdy seed heads stand tall in a lovely, dark crimson color. Look underneath you can experience fractals. Wolfram demonstrates Fractal Trees and Regular k-ary Tree.
The architecture of barren tree branches is well worth the leaf-less winter months.

See more Beautiful Afterlife photos of my garden on Flickr.

Then there is the "blooming" side of this season. My favorite winter-blooming shrub is the Sarcococca confusa. Honestly, I can't get enough and want one at every doorway so when I walk out into cold, winter air some wonderful scent wafts over to my nostril and I giggle out loud! Oh, yes, I say to myself (I forget this every January), it is time for the Sweetbox to bloom. The tiniest white blossom that can produce the loveliest fragrance! I find that astonishing. More about Sarcococca from Backyard Gardener - "The small, bushy, evergreen Christmas sweetbox (Sarcococca) has long, slender, dark green leaves, tiny honey-scented, white winter flowers and black berries in spring."

Primula 'Belarina Pink Ice' that pops up at just the right time. To add to the delight is that I forget about them until I see the spot of color hidden among fallen leaves. I treated myself to a Double Pink Primroses the other day with some unexpected extra cash. I also purchased one more Merlin Hellebores to go with the one I have … blooming right now.

Viburnum tinus compactum ‘Spring Bouquet’ is also a great early bloomer. Snowdrops and the promise of Daffodils and Hyacinth by way of green leaves shooting up from the dirt.
Already planning to expand my winter-blooming garden in the future, first on the list is Chinese Witch Hazel. Maybe Primrose Double 'Lipstick'?

Fun related links:
A website devoted entirely to seeds!
Picturing Plants and Flowers - Images and information about older botanical art and the people who created it.


  1. Hi! I read your article today on the Edmond's Patch and really enjoyed it. I love your photographs! It reminded me of the beauty this time of year and also got me thinking about Spring. Funny, I saw your picture and thought to myself, I've seen her before...where? Then I realized you were following my blog. Thank you for that and now I'm following this one of yours. Keep writing and sharing! Nice to know a fellow artist is here in Edmonds...

  2. Hello Tina and thank you! Since u read this blog, you know that I am not quite comfortable writing it, but it is fun ;)
    It is very nice to have a connection to another Edmonds artist! Hope to see you soon around town!

  3. Kim, I find your writing quite delightful. I think in this age of countless blogs with very individual writing styles, the whole concept of "correct" writing has changed, sort of like all the varieties of "fashion" today. In this piece your writing show how observant you are and makes the reader see it too.

  4. Gosh Julie, coming from a writer! Thank you ... I honestly get so nervous about putting these things out there, and then I say, what the heck ;0


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