Sunday, February 05, 2012

Sunday Blitz

I wish we could have a Downton Abbey every Sunday! For the entire year. It would give me so much hope for television, in general. Or an Inspector Lewis or Sherlock Holmes

My dogs are tired. And that doesn't mean my feet. The dogs are tired from following me around all day while I was cleaning and they are completely passed out on their fave spots on the sofas/chairs. We finally got the Christmas put away. Which entailed completely cleaning the family room, vacuuming, dusting, spot cleaning rug. Vacuuming and mopping the rest of the house. Trash out. A couple of loads of laundry.

Collecting a load of stuff (bookcases, M's old bike and stuff) to get to the Goodwill today (to clear out the garage so I could work on Brantlers). D took a truckload to Goodwill before he had to go to work. They won't take our large, artificial tree because they aren't accepting Christmas items now (bummer). I will make calls and find out where to take it tomorrow. (If you want a beautiful tree and live close by, give me a call). I have several loads to go to the Senior Citizens Thrift tomorrow, I like to support them.

Made a quick trip to the bank to make my deposits. Ran an errand for mom. I get out of the house so seldom now, it feels weird to "drive" the car. Mom had doctor appointments in Seattle Thursday and Friday ... and I felt like a stranger driving on the highway. Weird and have vowed to take long roadtrips this summer to get over that.

I got a little obsessed with trying to get a couple of rooms cleaned. With soooooo much work piling up in the back of mind, I felt distracted. I was hoping if I cleaned up/cleared out some junk ... I could think more clearly. I wanted to spend an hour working on Brantlers today ... which I did. Made a collection of 3 ... and worked on a commission which I am late with. Also found out today that I have been accepted with the Arts of Snohomish Art Gallery. To be a member and show my art in their Snohomish gallery. Very excited about that! It feels like the perfect fit for my sculptures.

Started gathering my S-I-L's birthday presents to wrap and get into the post.

Answered my Texan cousin's question on Facebook that ask "Why Obama?" That made me stop and think is are really my political stance. I wrote a very long, intense, thorough explanation of my political views ... and as annoyed as I was at the question, it did make me put down on pin and paper ... or rather type and textedit ... exactly what I thought of the politics going on right now. Which he replied ... "I don't know Kim. . . . You seem a little vague. I mean how do you really feel?" He was joking of course, because my reply to him was long, very detailed on every political hot issue that I felt was important. It is going to be a long, sad year in reference to my politics and my friends/family in Texas, to stay calm and objective ... and stick to the belief that everyone is entitled to their political views. Whether they allow you yours or not. We are so divided ... it is hard not to be passionate right now.

Decided I could do my freelance work during the Superbowl. Which I did. Had friends over Superbowl, but they didn't mind that I sat at the computer working/listening to the Superbowl ... it was Rick and Laura, and they totally understand never feeling you can have "a day off". D made lots of good treats, and Laura brought over many, very healthy, vegetarian dips. I also found some cool stuff to post on BYOB Facebook ... I am a contributor, try to find good stuff to post at least once a week. 

Started a Web design Pinterest this afternoon. And of course, dreamed about/researched and blogged about some ideas for the front garden shrubbery early this morning before the house woke up. Watched/mainly listened a video from the founder of Pinterest, Ben Silbermann Keynote Address at Alt Summit while I was blogging and working. Read a bunch of Twitter post from friend from London. Before I blogged, had an heated discussion with Rick on Skype about business websites blogging, when they don't update but every 3-5 months and how that really annoys me. Anyway ... decided not to post my rant on BYOB Facebook page. Worked on a logo/twitter redo for Sejour Travel.

Also worked very briefly in the yard ... with the sun out, who can say no? And now at 10:40p, I am feeling pretty tired ... still my mind has so many things to tick off the list. Tomorrow is a brand new day! Yesterday, Mom, Bri and I had pedicures ... so with newly painted toenails, we can bravely conquer a brand new week. Speaking of toenails, must take the dogs in to get their nails trimmed. Number 1 on my list. See you tomorrow.

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