Sunday, February 05, 2012

Sun brings out gardening bug

The sun has been out for the last 3 days, making it hard to concentrate on the mess inside, the work on the computer. I planted primroses and did a little clean-up yesterday in the sun. Got dirt on my hands and that felt good! In stark contrast, finally got all the Christmas decoration put away. Whew, that took a lot longer than expected. 

While D and I were removing the Christmas lights from the front shrubbery, started dreaming about what could replace this truly ugly Rhodie that is there at the moment. I would love a row of Burning Bushes and a row of Sweetbox. Both could be easily pruned. One deciduous, revealing branches in the winter; the other blooming in January with that wonderful fragrance. Unfortunately and fortunately ... there are a million choices. And the thought of the Flower Show, doesn't help NOT thinking about flowers and gardening. One can have "big garden dreams", even if one doesn't achieve them.

Seriously, Pretty Papavers make me swoon and weak at the knees! Go check out Annie's Annuals Poppies! 

Romantic Papaver rhoeas 'Falling in Love'

Papaver 'Venus'

Globe Thistle found at Annie's Annuals. Reading about some plants is like reading a Wine Spectator wine review ... you just really want one!  

"Imagine this - you are walking through a cold, barren, winter landscape and all of a sudden the air is filled with a strong lemony fragrance. You have discovered Winter Honeysuckle, a delightful old-fashioned shrub that has the distinct characteristic of blooming when most plants are dormant." 

I wonder if Winter Honeysuckle would grow in the PNW? Because I really, really want one. I want more things that bloom in winter. I also want to plant another Snowball in the backyard since I had to hard prune one down to almost nothing! Mainly as a privacy bush between me and my neighbors. Well, and because I love them and I can't get enough!

Mamzelle Hérisson

Wander Wish

A Way to Garden

Ornamental Edibles

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