Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Rack (Piano Rack)

Learned many lessons about Brantlers assemblage the hard way tonight. Made lots of notes about what NOT to do the next time. D helped me put together a couple of custom, 3 or 4 sculptures on one piece of wood. He taught how to use the countersink bit. All very exciting stuff. I painted about 15 bases the last couple of nights. This one D and I made tonight, out of a piano rack. I love it! We are going to cut some new shapes on the jig saw. Really, just not enough hours in the day. Trying to get some news ones made to hang on Feb. 29th in Arts of Snohomish gallery.

We were suppose to go out for a special dinner tonight but have opted for pizza instead.  Special dinner will have to wait until later in the week.


  1. I really love this one. How did I miss it; is it at the gallery?

  2. Anonymous7:30 AM

    yes this one at the gallery ;) want to make more of those


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