Sunday, February 19, 2012

Learn to Build Your Own Business Website!

This class starts tomorrow! 

Rick at Build Your Own Business Website is offering a new free 8 lesson series that teaches a beginner how to create a professional website using WordPress and the Thesis theme for WordPress. If you are an independent professional, solo-preneur or small business owner that wants to create their own website then this course is tailor made for you. In 8 live sessions over 4 weeks we will focus on the specific needs of professionals and small business owners when creating a website. This series is a remake of Lessons 6-14 of our original Start Building Your Website Here series updated with the latest versions of Thesis and WordPress. 

The class will be taught over 4 weeks with 2 sessions each week. Each Monday and Thursday evening starting on February 20th from 5:00 to 7:00pm PST (-8:00 GMT) we will meet live in a webinar format. The lessons will consist of approximately 90 minutes of instruction followed by 30 minutes of questions and answers. Each session will be recorded and posted on the site for viewing after the fact. 

Rick is a great teacher. I have learned sooooo much from him and I didn't have to drive anywhere to do it. He is there to answer all of your questions and walk you through any problems you are having. It can't get any better than FREE. So if you have been wanting to learn how to build a website for yourself, this is a great place to start! 


  1. Sounds fantastic, wow! I sent this along to my small business clients. I should take the course myself!

  2. Woo Hoo thank you!!!

    You know I have been learning Thesis with Rick for a year now. have built my site, globetrotters, the relief app ... I am still learning but excited he is doing this one over ... I can never take enough classes and it helps me retain SOME of the information, especially since I have to turn around and teach those folks that I have built those sites how to maintain them ;)

    Hope to see you in class!

  3. I've signed up and I'm really excited about this! I'm familiar with Typepad and have tweaked it into a couple of very basic websites but I think Wordpress has a lot more potential for this. Thanks for passing this info on Kim.

  4. Terrific! I think you will learn a lot of basics! It is a theme Thesis in Wordpress that we learn. I have been using it for all of my sites, and Rick has written lots of plugins for it. He won't be going into plugins, or complicated things ... I don't think ... See you there!! I am so excited.

  5. That is a very good idea! So many small business owners are struggling with getting a good website up

  6. I wanted to leave a little comment to support you and want you a good continuation. Wishing you the best of luck for all your blogging efforts.


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