Thursday, February 09, 2012

The ABC's of unemployment

The 405 Club Unemployment Support Network has noted my Unemployment Alphabet on their website. I knew those were relevant to the times ;) And just not for me. That someone would get them. Oh, Wow! They also started a pinboard! Guess I better get busy making the rest of the alphabet.

I wish I had followed up with the idea I had way back then, with the art, a website where folks could leave their funny experiences, interviews so we could commiserate and have a laugh. From the website you could send a sympathy illustrated email to your recently, older, laid off friend. I wrote it all down in my "little book of big dreams" but honestly did not have the time to pull it together. ;) 

I am still the busiest unemployed person I know. ;)


  1. this whole over age out of work situation is over the top. Part of Thor's work job is keeping people employed, and he's finding it more difficult to find 20 and 30 somethings who actually want to work, work 40 hours a week, or drive to a job that isn't in their area. On the other hand part of his church job is trying to help those out of work manage until work comes along again. Same thing applies, those over a certain age will work practically anywhere at anything as long as it is fair and honest, while those under a certain age are rather picky about just how and where, and some why? they have to work.


  2. Kim, this is such a great idea! How about "W" for Wisdom, which is one commodity we older folks just might have?

  3. even better WOMEN WISDOM :0

  4. Love these, are you going to make the rest?

  5. I would love to if I have some extra time ;0

  6. s'mee! you are so right. depressing ;9


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