Sunday, January 01, 2012

Very busy doing nothing

It is hard not to let your eye wander out to the desert, stop working and just watch the birds come and go. Quail scuttle by. Hawk's shadow pass over, a pair of Blue Scrub-Jays scrambling for nuts. Hoping for another Jackrabbit, lizard or roadrunner. (Just saw a tiniest chipmunk at the seed block while writing these, I think it is a Desert Chipmunk).

We had a very busy New Year's Eve celebration ...  neighbor's 'garage party' featuring a local blue grass band. Also where the cutest puppies I have ever seen (Yorkie-Poodle mix). Louie, my favorite, has wild, untamable apricot hair that is in a constant unkempt-adorable-look. Our next party was Cordes Lake Community Center, featuring a great local C&W band, Wells Fargo Band, with special guest ... anyone who wants to come up and sing. We hit the dance floor a couple of times with a two-step and off we went to the final party. 

Next stop, friend's house sitting on top of a bluff, an incredible view, tiered garden full of pruned Mesquite trees, each tree planted in remembrance of a passed loved one. An open fire and night sky full of twinkling stars was the perfect ending to 2011. 

The backyard is the source of all of my distractions ... all photos taken by Chris.

Anthony and me and my new-do

Louie, the cutest pup!

Bidding 2011 a fond farewell, in front of a fire with my good friend, Elayne. I promise this was the camera, we had NOT had that much to drink.

We have a pantry full of food to eat before leaving on Wednesday. I am afraid I won't be able to fit into my jeans traveling home.


  1. Happy New Year my friend! Now you understand why I love the desert so ... always something to see and treasures to find. Hope you are having a fun, relaxing time. xoxo

  2. P.S. Love your hair!

  3. Hello there friend far away. I love my new do ...
    yes, many, many wonderful distractions ;)

  4. Happy New Year, Kim! Happy new do too. xoxo


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