Friday, January 06, 2012

Sticky subject

I have been wanting to paint a Saguaro for a long time. A great site for Cactus Lovers (my husband, the cactus-lover). They are so very interesting in their growth and longevity in such a hostile environment.

Interesting observations about the math of the this wonderful cactus.

Saguaro Cell Towers, brilliant! 
Seasons Greetings from Arizona Cactus tree! 

Think I could make one myself? Artificial saguaro cactus (United States Patent 7118788).

As far as landscaping with them, they do not come cheap! Which is why having some sculptures seem like a better option!

 Interesting barbed-wire Saguaros by Wesley Hall.  Eric Richards does a nice cactus sculpture. And I love these from Lee Blackwell Studio. Steel Saguaro Cacti By Eric Carroll

I have blogged about Desert Steel cactus sculptures many times and my S-I-L have dreamed of how we could own some. I mean, seriously, couldn't you see some of these in your yard! 

Various images I have been hoarding on my computer when I search cactus. 

And below is the painting I have sketched out in Illustrator. I love the pixelated squareness in contrast with the cactus natural curves. And now I am totally inspired to finish this, very large piece I have been planning in my head for years.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love Saguaros; there's a national park of them near Tucson. The metal sculptures don't come cheap either. I've seen some nice ones in Tubac.

  3. they are not cheap! but neither are those real plants! Oh, but wouldn't it be great to have a couple of those in your front yard?


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