Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Snow Day 2

Woo hoo, it is beautiful now. But when it starts melting ... well, that is another story.  Looks like a hydrangea snow cone.


  1. Sadly, snow day 4 is not so pretty....

  2. lots of shoveling in my future

  3. Today I was standing by my mailbox taking a photo of our slushy neighborhood for my LA friends, and got beaned by a chunk of ice the size of a baseball that fell out of a tree. Giant goose egg on my head, which I must conceal from B. since he told me not to go out there and I did it anyway. :-)

  4. Oh NOOOOO. Now that is scary! I just kept hearing the most disturbing noises coming from the roof as the snow started falling off and dripping down. Now on to a flooded basement ;)


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