Friday, January 27, 2012

Looking forward to the weekend

What a week! I talked to a few places about Brantlers. Did I say the site is finished for now? I scratched off my list of *things to finish* Brantler site and I couldn't be more thrilled. Crossing something off the list ... GOOD THING. Came up with several new Brantler ideas ... hoping to have some time to knock those out this weekend. 

Lots of work in the contract work, they are keeping us very busy this week!

Friendly Foam Shop is at the Boat Show this weekend! If you go, stop by their booth. Coming close to finishing their site. Using Rick's (BYOB Website) Widget Plug-in ... made building this a snap! We made this really cute banner last night. Matt working the booth. ;)

Robin is back from New York and we are making sure all is right with Relief APP before the big promotional push.

Building some banner ads for Rick's new Free Live Online Class starting in two weeks. I encourage anyone wanting to make their own website, using Thesis ... to join in on this class! Elana ... you listening? 

I did something brave this week ... I wrote a gardening blog that I love to read asking for occasional illustration opportunity ... for a link back. That feels so weird for me, but really, I haven't illustrated anything in over an year! I could force myself to create something ... but it would be so much more fun to have and *assignment*. So we will see what comes from that. (keeping my fingers crossed).

Met with a potential client with a very exciting opportunity for creating logo and presentation for a her new product.

So, busy week. Lots to do this weekend. YOU have a great weekend!

looking for lovliness

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