Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Yes, we are a little Loony

I love to hear the wailing of the Common Loon. I also am very attracted to the black and white patterned feathers. I have a few cd's of birds songs that I love to have playing in the house. A great resource for Loon Sounds. More information at BirdWeb and All About Birds at The Cornell Lab of Ornithology. I get their wonderful newsletter, which makes me stop working for a minute and go read about one of my favorite subjects, birds and ducks! 

Some day I will buy David a carved Loon decoy to add to our collection . We have talked about adding to the collection but then we have really run out of room to display them. Like this one? Or these? This one is a little too modern but we do have the Pintail Decoy both carved by Chris Hindley. Maybe I could order one from Robert Kelly Woodcarvings. Any decoy from Frank and Frank Sporting collection! This would definitely be a purchase we would have to make together ... he is pretty picky about his ducks.

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