Saturday, December 03, 2011

Lost my mind in laughter

My morning began with a drop-off to the airport ... which had me in the car during Click and Clack on Car Talk on KUOW. I can't explain how much I love this show and never listen to it on Saturday mornings. I laughed so hard that my checks hurt! I am sure other drivers thought I had lost my mind. I had considered stopping at IKEA but realized I still had on house-slippers. 

Drove through the Arboretum and look for some fallen or unusual branches for Brantlers. Have I ever mentioned how hard it is to find the perfect branch, sturdy and with an interesting shape? Grabbed some American beautyberry branches, purple and white. Still high from all the laughing I decided I didn't care if I still had on slippers and stopped by 145th St. Goodwill and see if they had any good hand-thrown vases. Found one. An old, stretch out cotton sweater to paint in, and a pair of men's Italian black loafers that I fell in love with. What a great day so far ;)

Callicarpa bodinieri var: giraldii 'Profusion' Beautyberry

Callicarpa bodinieri var: giraldii 'Profusion' Beautyberry
Also heard this wonderful piece Dan Barber: A surprising parable of foie gras



  1. Perfect! Girl, please. I look like a vagrant. PS: Consider using looking glass spray paint (mirror glass-like finish) on some traditional style thrifted shoes! I'm looking!

  2. Your beautyberries are beauty-ful.
    I hope your slippers were big fuzzy ones.

  3. smazoochie .., they were, which is probably why people were staring at me in the shoe department. ;)

    OMG, Shelley, I found *just the shoe* to do that to today, but talked myself out of buying them! I might have to revisit Goodwill, this time, with "real" clothes on ;) How do you prime the shoe for the spray paint?

  4. I love your pictures, it comes straight to my e-mail so I don't always get to comment, but your posts make me smile. What kind of camera do you use?

  5. Thank you Durante! I have a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT that I bought at Costco many years ago. And am *STILL* learning how to use it. I keep thinking a digital photography class would make my life so much easier. I really want to build a big light box since I really don't have any place to shoot during the gray days of winter.


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