Friday, December 23, 2011

Last minute Christmas thoughts

I am feeling a pressure today!  So much to do, so little time. I was definitely *not* prepared this Christmas season! I had a dream I was driving my old truck down the highway, looked down and the gas gauge was all of a sudden on empty! The other cars were buzzing past me and I was trying to work my way the shoulder. I am off to finish some freelance, baking and last minute shopping today. Between freelance and mom being really ill ... I am struggling to keep up. ;0 I am going to dream of making this meal but really we are having soup on Christmas eve. Christmas morning, crepes when the kids are here and David will whip up something fabulous for Christmas day.

Creature Comforts has a wonderful selection of free gift tags. I didn't do any new ones this Christmas but have these *old* gift tags from last year - Let it snow.

Keeping the fun spirit of the season is easy when watching this video.... thank you Maggy. We should all feel the unharnessed joy of the moment..


  1. Happy Happy Christmas to you and yours!!!

    Loved that dog!!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear that your mum is still so sick. :(
    Hope and pray it's a merry one for all of you!


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