Sunday, October 16, 2011

Where does time go?

I didn't mean to be on the computer all weekend, really. But I got a lot done. I finished up the third mock-up on Rick's BYOB Website member make-over. We are not redesigning the entire site, just suggesting some changes from the person would like us to focus on. Headers, or navigation or organization. I mocked up the ideas then Rick builds it using his nifty Plug-ins. So far, it has been really fun. This last one didn't take me very long ... I used his logo for the inspiration and it happened in less than 2 hours. I think this exercise has been good for me to remember how mock it up, cut up the graphics, etc. Since I haven't been doing much of that lately. Rick and I have some lofty ideas for the future.

I also decided to put something on my Edmonds Patch blog. It has been a long time and I was inspired to write about the fall colors of the Hyrdrangeas yesterday. And today I wrote a piece about Carving Pumpkins and finding fun natural decorations. So now, I am definitely stepping away. See you later.

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