Saturday, October 29, 2011

Season finale

Stunning season of color. It is the time of year that my hydrangeas almost bring me to tears with their beauty. But what did I hear? We are going to have more rain than last year - is that possible?


  1. Love the colour pallets you've added with your images. Beautiful.

  2. Thank you, Erin! Those colors in my yard completely inspire and awe me ;) How are the color-combos in your neck of the woods?

  3. I was so excited this cool NC morning to remember your blog and search it out again. I got a new computer at the beginning of this year and with all the excitement didn't save my blog list. I'm so happy to have your blog back on my short list of blogs to visit. A delight for the senses it is to be sure. I am excited about all the hours of catching up I have ahead of me. Thank you for this little bit of heaven.

  4. Adele! I am so glad you found me (in a sea of blogs ;) ...

    thank you, thank you!

  5. Wow the colour of hydrangeas are magnificient. Those are one of my favourite flowers.

  6. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Great colors! I love the red leaves. Hope you're doing well.

  7. I am especially loving your colors combos and the hydrangea pics. :)


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