Wednesday, October 12, 2011


In an effort to extricate myself from the front of my computer and be less of a hermit ... I have volunteered to help with the behind-the-scenes work for etsyRain November etsyRAIN Handmade Holiday Show

Meet some very interesting people there tonight:
Kelly M. Cook  

Kim at Pepo Park 

Marlo Miyashiro, Creative Arts Consulting and i make cute stuff 

Heidi at Haute Goat 

Rosalind Brazel at Scarf City  

World of Whimm

Kate Drummond at Bunny's Baked Goods


  1. We are so grateful to have you on the marketing team! Thanks so much for helping us out Kim :)

  2. Thank you Marlo! I am excited to be a part of it.

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