Tuesday, October 04, 2011


I am enjoying listening to Ken Burns' Prohibition on PBS. Haven't really stopped working to sit in my big chair and watch. Hoping my DVR will help me with that later. ;) 

Haven't had time to work on Brantlers ... except to clean up the website. Rick (at BYOB Website) is making it an e-commerce site this week. Had some business cards and tags printed. Not many because I know I always want to change it up. Ran over to Chocolati on Greenwood to see how many sculptures and where/how I can hang them during my little display. I really am excited to see them hanging someplace besides my garage.

Have too much "real work" to do right now with Rick and BYOB Website that I work on at night. And my freelance work during the day. Brantlers on the weekend. Whew, I am feeling a little overwhelmed. 

Saw these today at Rick and Laura's, Bittersweet Nightshade, pretty but dangerous. Don't these berries look "so fall". I love the color combination and the little 5-star connection on top is so sweet.

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