Saturday, September 03, 2011

The gift

This morning, a friend gave me a box of 12, small, delicate, ceramic Piet Stockmans teacups? Glasses? (Mom is calling them aperitif glasses). I love them. The blue rim is the darker hydrangea blue center color. Hydrangeas are turning lovely blue to green. I didn't have as many blooms as I normally do as I pruned so hard in the spring. I am just thankful to have them.

I have been completely absorbed in Facebook business pages the last two days. For Friendly Foam and BYOB Websites. It is giving me a little headache. It makes me wonder what we are all becoming in this social-media-obsessed-mash-up. But I know as a business, you need a FB presence. Follow the leader (s). I also started making a font, finally, for real.

It is the most delicious fall-like day. A cool breeze and warm, glittering sun. The dogs are following the sun spots around the room, napping in warmth. Mom is resting, watching cooking shows. We are trying to decide what we could cook tonight. Since Mom has been ill, I have been eating crackers and cheese. This morning, I had (I think it was moldy) humus and pita bread for breakfast. I forget to eat until I am starving and head for the easiest item in the pantry to sate my hunger. David brings food home on his way from work. We also realized without the kids here, cooking is not really an event now. We buy far less than before ... so weird not to have a complete meal cooked every night.

This morning I got lost in some blogs, different blogs that I haven't visited before. A link off of a link off of a link ... you know the drill. It scared me a little because they all started looking the same, the same beautiful blogger photo, with the same beautiful family, the perfect meal, the perfect blog, the perfect home ... I know that is not all as it seems but I did start feeling a bit inadequate. I had to quickly remove myself from reading anymore. Perfect blog after perfect blog, was making me a little queasy.

I decided yesterday, I am going to refer to this last year as "the year that wasn't". A year that I don't remember doing much, forgetting to celebrate birthdays, not leaving my computer. Not going any place notable or doing anything memorable. A bland, blah, blank year. And I decided yesterday, that must change. Okay, off to the studio for the weekend ... note: leaving my computer. ;) Have a wonderful holiday weekend!


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