Friday, September 23, 2011

Climbing for perfection

Mom picked some climbing Hydrangeas yesterday. And the last of the roses. Why are the last roses of summer always the most delicious, most perfect ones? The other hydrangeas are turning a lovely shade of fall. I need to cut and bring them in to dry. I do wish I had thought through my climbing Hydrangea a little more so it was attached to the house in a better way. Of course, having the house covered in vines would be ideal.

I really want this ‘Invincibelle’ Hydrnagea for the yard but would have to sacrifice something to bring it into the fold.
Wow, floral images index for reference, is really something!

Got lots of work to do. A friend of mine commented I haven't been blogging much lately. Working on Brantlers in my extra time. Will be displaying them at Chocolati Café in October. So excited and have lots of work to do in the meantime.


  1. Do you have a certain way that you dry them? Do you just hang them upside-down for about a month?

  2. for the regular hydrangeas, I cut them when they at at the end of the turning color phase, a little longer stem, remove all the leaves, put about 4 inches of water in the vase.

    By the time the water has evaporated ... they are usually dry. I have never tried hanging them.

  3. that floral index! wow!


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