Monday, August 01, 2011

Shooting little people

Lisa Swerling's glass cathedrals are delightful and loving her use of glitter. A woman's work is wonderful, I also love those little women sweeping. This is it ... exactly how I feel sometimes. Feeling guilty? I love the guy painting ... I used them in showing the recovery of a sick dollar. I really loved shooting those little people for stories!

The Little People project for a good chuckle.

The beauty of Little People in Snow Globes by Walter Martin & Paloma Muñoz.

And for the cherry on top, these delicious food installations with little people by Minimiam.

I used cigarette ash to get the dirt on the bottle. Took me forever to set it up just so.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:41 PM

    i loved the food installations! thanks for posting ;) Tiff


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