Thursday, August 25, 2011


Ran over to Rick and Laura's for another fresh zucchini, which I have been eating raw with pepper ... YUM. And found the perfect Dandelion. 


  1. Wait, wait, wait... RAW zucchini? Yikes. I know. Don't knock it until you try it, right?

    Reminds me of an old joke:

    How can you tell if someone does not have any friends?

    I don't know, how?

    They buy their zucchini in a grocery store!


  2. I know, I have never eaten it raw but Laura said that is how she was having it, I tried it and wow. She is also making it in long strips with tomato sauce ... for her husband on a diet ... replacing pasta! He says it is delicious! I am also completely addicted to cucumbers this summer ...

  3. Wait ... isn't it late for dandelions? Try zucchini coleslaw ... it comes packaged at the grocery store.

  4. not in my yard, they are everywhere! zucchini coleslaw sounds great

  5. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Kim - try it sliced and browned with sour cream and sliced green onions and maybe a little pesto sauce. I also have a recipe for chocolate cake with grated zucchini that is really good.

  6. GrandmaPMC5:34 PM

    blast it- I am not anonymous - just elderly. Peggy

  7. Hey Grandma! Matt very happy to receive your card ... he should be calling you ;) xoxoxo


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