Sunday, July 31, 2011

this time...

I adore Liz and she has always inspired me to peek inside myself, be more insightful, more observant about life. I love her post on this time... (last year) that chronicles the life of new parents, their fears, exhaustion and delights!

this time last year ...

i was living in fear and depression

i cried in my car many hours

i knew my life was about to change forever

i was busy taking CSS classes

i felt completely ignored, invisible, belittled and betrayed

i was feeling very lost

i discovered who my friends were and who were not

i was thanking my lucky stars for my supportive family and friends who were holding me upright

my son was not thinking about moving into his own place

i decided to own up to my gray hair

i had two great ideas for art/products

i wasn't feeling my age, but i was definitely looking my age

and i was looking forward to finding out who and what i might be in the next chapter of my life

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