Saturday, July 16, 2011

Jaycee Dugard

One wants to be outraged, sad, scream and cry while watching the story of the kidnapped 11-year-old girl, raped and terrorized for 18 years, Jaycee Dugard. But somehow, after the initial tears ... Jaycee's grace and love of life gave me a good sense of hope, for her, her family and really, all of us. It wasn't sensational journalism. Or so much about the crazy bad people. More about a human spirit to rise above that and learn to live on. The unjust story of a brave girl, now woman getting on to make a wonderful life ... good job, Diane Sawyer and ABC news

Jaycee Dugard Interview: Five Lessons For Your Life

The JAYC Foundation

 More on New York Times topics page.

1 comment:

  1. I find in hard to comprehend how this could have happened to this sweet little girl, now amazing young woman. I'm glad ABC aired this important story.


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