Friday, July 15, 2011

I drove over to Yakima yesterday with a friend. The landscape is so different from the Seattle area. Arid and sensual, sage brush, browns and muted, gray greens, shadows from clouds ... and blue horizons.  I love it . I feel like I a breath there. Crops, hills, sheered off cliffs made by glacier movement millions of years ago. It is really beautiful there. I want to go back and have a closer look. And I love Google maps to get a bigger sense of where have been and seen. The crop images are closer to Spokane, but it looks so much like a quilt,  I had to add the image.


  1. I love those pixelated landscapes with the irrigation circles and the millions grades of green. Always energizing to see new landscapes. And old familiar ones, too.

  2. These irrigation circles are fascinating.


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