Monday, July 11, 2011

Chris Giffin

Oregon Art Beat interviews mixed media artist Chris Giffin. Very inspiring! And I am looking for inspiration any where I can find it!


  1. Love this story about Chris Giffin! Thank you for posting it. Wonderful imagination and wonderful art pieces! I am impressed by her organized studio and like you, inspired by her work.

  2. You reminded me! I wanted to RAVE about her studio! oh, to be that organized! ;)

  3. A while back you ask about TV series - well, Sons of Anarchy inspires the artist in me. I wonder if it would inspire you? I can't explain why I like it. But it has something to do with art and creation. (Oh, your mom would hate it, I'm pretty sure. Pretty violent.)

  4. Beautiful stuff. I like Chris Giffins straightforward way of construction - nuts and bolts and wire and I love her assembled pieces.
    Thanks for showing us.

  5. Catherine! added to my netflix ;) Thank you!

    waltraut -- I love watching that video. Chris makes it look so easy ;)


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