Wednesday, May 04, 2011

South Riding

Another wonderful series, South Riding from Masterpiece. If you missed it, watch it online!


  1. happy to know about this!!! plus i just got the adapter to plug my computer into my tv so i can watch it in comfort.

  2. We like it too. And taking your lead, Mr. B and I are happily working our way through Midsommer Murders.

  3. I am so excited you are watching Midsomer! I hope you like them. ;)

  4. Hey Kitchen-Dreams, I LOVE watching those shows on my computer while I am working. Well, not really watching, more listening ;)

  5. Yeah, we love them. We had already gone through all the Inspector Frost, and that WWII one starring Michael Kitchen. And Prime Suspect. Anglo-nerds, that's us.


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