Sunday, May 22, 2011


So when I begin pinning images to my Pinterest, I didn't think I would have so many pins! When I start looking at what I pin it becomes even more obvious what I am attracted to. Vases, flowers, chairs, nature at it's most mysterious, trees, lanterns, dogs, tables, teacups, dishes and bowls. Of course all things sticks and rocks. Paintings, business cards and packaging. I didn't think I would have too many clothes pinned, but as it turns out, I do! The other day I realized I really need to add more categories and organize my images a little better. So I spent a couple of hours obsessing over that. I love my Rings and Things. I have lots of other beautiful images noted, gardens, lighting, quilts and typography. Go have a look!


  1. What a cool idea; I need to do this!

  2. I also absolutely love pinterest, many an evening after work has been squandered away pinning things!

  3. I love pinterest, it's completely obsessive, however it's far better for organising all the things I love and want to remember online than bookmarking ever has been! Em


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