Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Good day had by all, humans and animals

We "baby-sat" Sophie today while Matt and Bri were at work and school. Mom and I laughed so hard our cheeks ached at the end of the day. 2.5 lb Sophie is terrorizing Pixel and Pica ... they would jump on the sofa, hide behind Mom to escape her enthusiasm to 'playing' with them. Eventually, Pixel was enjoying chasing Sophie around the family room. I am hoping for a 'good relationship' between those two. Pica will never warm to a small, furry stranger in his house. We will live with that. Tonight, all animals are passed out from having played very hard today.

And I worked hard today, too. My pay-off was watching Glee tonight and crying like a baby. I don't know how I missed Glee the last years ... but I am now totally addicted. Actually, I am addicted to many shows I never heard of 6 months ago. Translation: I watch too much TV. Castle. Love! But
I didn't really get last night's season finale. Good characters died, or got shot ... dream-sequence next season? Castle finally uttered the words that we knew he was feeling ... "I love you".  Blue Bloods. I record to watch later, usually when I wake up at 230a. Of course, STARZ Camelot, Treme, Games of Thrones, HBO's Bryant Gumbel's Real Sports, Masterpiece, Antiques Roadshow, History Detectives and many others. Absolutely Fabulous reruns. Peep Show. Too much TV! I swear everyday, I will watch less TV. Hazards of staying home all day.

Then tonight, PBS' Frontline, The Meth Epidemic, is such a great piece of investigative reporting. For me, with a drug-addict brother, really hits home. And is totally worth watching.

So good night to you all! Hoping for a another productive day tomorrow. (Let me check the TV schedule).


  1. Castle is my favorite for sure! Here's what I think...Beckett isn't dead...maybe she's not even really injured. Maybe even Capt Montgomery isn't dead. Maybe it's even a giant plan to get the number one bad guy to strut his stuff in public. Yeah. That's what I think and I'm going to stick with that...at least until next Fall when we actually get to find out.

  2. Yes, Karan ... that is exactly what I am hoping for. A plot to protect them? Hidden identities rushed through my head when everyone started dying off. But my fear is ... if they become an item it will ruin it in some way. (Moonlighting? Did they ever end up together?)

  3. You know what I really think...I think the big wig is her DAD!

  4. oh we LOVE castle...that nathan fillion is a doll... but i'm with you, what's up with that finale? seriously?!?!

    hmmm...i like karan's thinking... let's hope that's the case... and i've wondered the same thing about beckett's dad. i don't know what it is but in the scenes he's been in, it has seemed like there's something going on with him. he rubs me the wrong way or i get an off feeling about him...

    and yes, i want them together...but i don't want them together. like you, i'm afraid it will change something about the show...and i'd hate that... and yes, moonlighting comes to mind...

  5. So I settle down Monday night ... and realized ... we have no Castle! oh my, it will be a long, sad summer.


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