Saturday, April 02, 2011

Sweet nature

It poured rain straight down to the ground, like a dotted line from heaven to earth. The birds bathed themselves in little muddy pools under bushes. Then dried their feathers by lying flat on the top rail of the fence. Then the sun came out! Then it rained again. Then the sun came out. Should I be building an Ark?

Haven't seen the Wrens in the Honeysuckle in the last couple of days. Those *effing* rats better not be eating the bird eggs like a couple of years ago!

I talked to sweet friends from NC via email. Cleaned house, put together a lamp, mopped, worked on a book and mucked around with lite redesign of a website. Had a great conversation with my son. Then my best bud called me from Texas. I guess you could call it a perfect day.

The lowliest weed has its' place in the world.


  1. Kim, I love visiting your blog. Your texts, your pictures, your work of arts. It's just perfect.
    Thank you for sharing them with us.
    Have a lovely Sunday.

  2. Thank you Regina!!! YOU have a great Sunday. Mine looks good -- no rain so far ;)


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