Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Radio Radio

Thanks to Josh for allowing me to do a quick cosmetic tweak to their blog, Radio Radio. That was fun and I learned all about Squarespace. Always moving forward with new knowledge! Go check out their new single!

I am pretty overloaded right now with lots of work. And special fund raising effort for Japan that I am working on with Robin and Shakti. Exciting to be a part of the effort and it is all moving very quickly. Will tell you more when that is permitted. Got a contract gig. So not so much time for blogging and surfing. ;)


  1. Wow, Kim, that Radio Radio masthead/banner/logo is super fantastic!

    So glad you are talentedly happily working away!!!! YAY

  2. It turned out great Kim ... so glad they liked your idea! xoxo


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