Wednesday, March 09, 2011

At home

I am thinking of something like this for my dining room. The room feels very empty since I removed the branches from the ceiling. Handmade Home: Affordable Branch Pendant at Decor 8 post by Anna-Malin Lindgren, her beautiful blog full of inspiration.

Manson Jar Chandelier

I wonder if IKEA has something like these pendant lights? I would like to use the antlers I have hidden in a box in the basement. D wants to use some old ladder. He has an elaborate idea with an old ladder, lights so we can also hang additional stuff on the ladder when the mood hits me. We have talked about building out some grid system off the ceiling for paper lanterns, branches, stringing leaves and such. Maybe this is the year?

D and I bought some new paint for the dining room the other day, need to start tackling that project.

Reading DwellStudio blog ...
Undecorate by Christiane Lemieux - Excerpt

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