Thursday, February 24, 2011

Seeing the world

It is good to see the world as it truly is. Sorry, this is a good as I can get with my macro lens. But the flakes are so large!


  1. OMG ... these are amazing!

  2. WoW1 I had no idea that snowflakes looked like this for real!? I thought you could only see these shapes with a microscope? WoW!

  3. Beautiful, Kim! I'm convinced there is nothing you can't do!

  4. Thank you my friends.

    Matt and I were sitting here for almost 30 minutes watching these enormous flakes dance up and down, it was like a ballet! Floating and flitting. Unfortunately, my hand is just not sturdy enough for the "perfect" shot and I am too lazy to dig out the tripod ;)

  5. Wow, these photos are very nice! Perfect!

  6. I also, had no idea that snowflakes actually do look like this. Of course in Southern California, I don't get the chance to observe. I did grow up in Pennsylvania, but we didn't have macro lenses in those days! Thanks for the beautiful pictures.

  7. wow kim...these are truly amazing...


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