Wednesday, January 05, 2011


Roseanne Barr has gone gray and I think it looks fabulous.


  1. I think women and men with grey/white hair are beautiful. I don't understand why anyone chooses to cover up such a lovely part of growing old. It is a shame that folks have grown ashamed of their wrinkles, age spots, fading hair color... people should be proud of showing their age and look forward to it, rather than hide it. Anyway, that's just me :)

  2. Her color looks great. I've been reading her blog for a couple years now. Blows me away. Very provocative. I can still remember when I first saw her on the Johnny Carson show and my friend and I both said "She is one of us!!" Meaning smart, I guess. On TV!

  3. I adore grey hair. I think it's the most beautiful, second only to a true natural redhead.

    There's something fundamentally "wrong" to me about spending precious time and money sitting in a salon chair. It's supposed to make one feel more confident in life but for me it's just an undignified position.

    Benn cutting my own since 1830.

  4. I saw Roseanne on GMA this morning and thought too that her hair looked great.

    Mine is probably that color too, but having colored my hair for eons makes me wonder how exactly to stop without looking like a goony bird as it grows out?!?

    I never thought of it as hiding anything but just a habit. Something to think about I suppose.

  5. I always loved my mom's silver hair. But started coloring mine in my 30's and just stopped. That was a hard decision for me but my hair was fried. And LindaSonia --- that was the hardest 6 months ever ... trying no to look in the mirror very often until I could get the bottom portion cut away. I did think of going dreads during or cutting it all of really short. Painful memories ;)

  6. Ladies ... not everyone has beautiful grey hair like Kim and her Mom (and they really do). I'm all for aging naturally and I admire your courage, but I'm not quite there with the hair yet ... scares me to think what it will look like (when I was 30 a man told me I would look 10 years younger if I dyed my hair; I started the next week and have never forgotten what he said). I think I will save that milestone for retirement in another year or two. In the meantime, I am literally the oldest person in my company and not anxious to look older than I already do. :)

  7. But let's not forget you are the cutest, no matter what your hair color


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