Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Getting back to normal

I don't know about you but it is so sad to undress the Christmas trees. Not only taking away the holiday inside, but my aching back and knees! And while I am on the ladder removing ornaments, I can't help but notice the spider webs and dust. Sends me on a cleaning frenzy which is what happened the last two days. Took down all skulls and washed walls and spider webs away.

getting back to normal

getting back to normal

While I was boxing up the ornaments, I started organizing them in themes. We have many - cowboys and Indians, homemade, fish - fishing - santa fishing, cabins and houses, stars and hearts, folk art, lots of Texas things ... Mainly from the generosity of friends and family, store bought or handmade. I recite where each one comes from, who gave it to us, what was going on that year. I had the lofty idea of documenting them. I took this one photo until I said to self - 'what were you thinking?"

Here are a few of the Santas.

a few of our Santas


  1. I don't think I have ever had a "cleaning frenzy" in my life. Well, maybe once. LOL!

    Your Betty Santa looks a little chilly!

  2. Ohhh what is that "white branch" thingy. LOVE!! And leaving the lights on is FAB. I put lights on our indoor palm tree during christmas, and when I "de-christmased," I decided to leave them on year round. LOVE. Love the white twinklies!!

  3. i just love your house...and i miss being there...i really must plan to visit you in 2011...

  4. Michelle, Yes you do!

    Peruby ... I wish I didn't but I have been in one now for a week ;0

    Jill, that is a manzanita root we finally painted it white because it was so dirty. David has had it forever and i love it.

  5. Wow, that piece of work in the end is just so awesome. Good job with the post.


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