Saturday, January 22, 2011


My friend has a discerning eye when displaying her "found treasures". She is always bringing me back rocks, seedpods, sticks from her travels. Twins - separated at birth. Although, she got the "decorator gene" because she has the knack of putting it all together and making it look like a work of art. This type box mesmerizes me every time I visit her home. It is filled, just so, with the most interesting things. I just want to stand it front of it for hours and take in every little object.

Gerries treasure box

Gerries treasure box

Gerries treasure box

Gerries treasure box

She loaned mom and me one of the last of the Midsomer Mystery series. I will be very sad when it all comes to an end. Thank you, Gerrie!

Tara invited me to go to Teesha Moore's Art Annex for a journaling session in Seattle. Generally, I am not one to be creative in a group, but it was inspiring to see the space, meet new friends and hang out with a most talented family. Tracy was talking about a class that I would really love to take!

I have been knee deep in Wordpress the last week, finishing up a website. It feels so good to be at the end of it!


  1. Such a cool collection of goodies! I love it.

    Your dead seed pods make me look at nature in a different way. If only I had a better camera!

  2. Ahhhh ... Kim and Tara you are both sweet. Kim, great job shooting; I want your camera! :) xoxo


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