Sunday, December 12, 2010

Wet and wild

We have had so much rain in the PNW that the anemone seed pods are more like soaking wet cotton balls ... they normally look like and have the texture of Cotton bolls ready for harvest at this time of year.

Having to force the dogs out in the rain. Carry Pixel up and down. Leaves haven't dropped are a black mushy substance clinging to vines. Won't even mention the pond where the grass once was. Trying desperately to finish the trees and clean it all up  before 60 Minutes! Onward!

wet and wild

wet and wild


  1. I'm so into pods of all kinds right now! Love seeing these beauties!

  2. These are great Kim ... save me a couple if you have any to spare. xoxo

  3. will do! now they are dry and in the warm house, they are blowing out ;)

    Thank you Shelley! You should meet my friend, Maxinetoo (below) ... she is my constant source of great seed pods from Arizona and beyond!


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