Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I drew this today while waiting for my mom having an eye exam. Can you relate? I feel like a tornado has taken over my brain. The trailer park, the barn, the brain, all blown away now. Applied for lots of jobs today. Since we are flooding in the basement, I now need to go clear out my sewing room, of EVERYTHING. Not sure where I am going to put it. The carpet is damp under all of my very large pieces of furniture. Arrgghh.

I have a twister in my head!


  1. fabulous illio, Kim. So sorry to hear about the flooding et al, YIKES Good luck drying out!

  2. thank you Shelley .. working on it ;)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh, Kim, I'm so sorry. I seems to happen at the most inopportune times...If we have to have hurricanes where I live, I wish it could happen during cooler weather.

  5. Oh Kim ... what a mess! I am so sorry. Love your illustration, so appropriate! xoxo


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