Friday, December 17, 2010

Making a Difference

One of my favorite things about my previous job was doing anything that involved with Making a Difference. This story exemplifies why. Leaving a legacy of happiness in LeRoy.

Deleting my whiny entry concerning my unemployment. I was having a weak moment. ;)


  1. It's so hard to feel at peace when things are so up in the air.

    I'm hoping your future income will come to you gracefully and easily (and perhaps not even involve a long early morning commute!)

  2. YES, I feel the sun on my face right now. and it feels full of promise ;)

  3. There are so many of us wondering what we did wrong. We planned a great retirement and half of what we saved has vanished. You have to grieve for the unfairness. We followed the rules and worked smart. But after a suitable grieving period you have to find what you DIDN'T lose and celebrate that. I hope the new year is good for you. We are all in flux and maybe--just maybe--there is something good to come out of the mess.

  4. Terry! I think I must be in the grieving stage, which by now, I thought I would have all ready experienced. I know this a brand new page and we can create anything I want on it!

    You are so right. I hate to whine because I do know there are so many in the same boat out there, I see and meet them. I think I was wondering that out loud for all of us.

  5. I'm sorry that this situation is making you doubt yourself, because from here your skills and talent shine like a beacon!

    I know that you were just venting a little. I've collected a lot of resources since going freelance. I'd be happy to share if you're ever interested.

    ps. I don't think I ever said, but you're totally rocking that avatar!

  6. Erin! You are the sweetest! Thank you!


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