Friday, December 03, 2010

Loving these today

I am tired of waking up at 330a! And not going back to sleep. I watched NOVA Absolute Zero at 4a. Took the dogs out at 5a and thought, I would be driving to work pretty soon in another life. I am tired of applying for jobs online and today am taking the day off from that! Picking up my calendars today. Mailing some Christmas CD (his most ambitious to date, a 5-CD-set) that D made last year. Trying to get our Christmas cards wrapped up. Need to put the trees up this weekend. Wanting to make Matt and Bri both their own quilts for Christmas, but maybe I have waited too late. Feeding the crows old bread and listening to the ruckus outside. Hoping they don't drop the bread bits in my neighbors yard because he hates that.

Got my hair styled the other day. Our neighborhood salon had a 30% off first visit and mom insisted I go. I think she cut my hair too short. I kept asking for an undercut but she gave me a layered look. Not sure what I think about it yet ;)

Before I run errands, this is what I am loving today .

wood & word's wonderful and trees made from recycled wood! Love! Via seesaw, daily inspiration.

I love this Blog, VINTAGE, and this blog, Annaleenas -- they make me want to go paint everything in my house WHITE.

Loving this Filisky little pear lamp found at this great magazine at Home.

I wish it were cold enough here to make an ice candle, I have always wanted to have them in my front yard!

Fred Eerdekens uses shadows in the most delicious way! Image, below.

Loving Maria Gil Ulldemolins' work especially these postcards via delicious things at paper tastebuds

And I want to try this rubber stamping on ribbon, thanks for the inspiration, Ez.


  1. I would love to "Find a Beautiful Place and Get Lost"!

  2. LOVE your new banner,,,,,,way cool,,,,and your icon looks so "glamorous",,,love it!



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